Kev Carmody: Decided to give him a better listen after going through the 150 Queensand Icons list.
I really, really feel this review. Reminds me of the people moshing to How To Make Gravy in the Paul Kelly doco I saw last month. Also reminds me of when a girl in high school who sang From Little Things... at assembly and her accompanist gave up before she finished all the verses.
The Painted Ladies: Finally, I'm listening to something released this year. Except it's covers of a 1973 album by Vic Simms. Liking Ed Kuepper's take on Stranger In My Country. I've been hearing it on Double J for a while, but thought it was part of his new solo album.
Missy Higgins is releasing an album of covers. Tracklist is promising, as well as Jherek Bischoff producing. Don't know if she's intense enough to do Shark Fin Blues justice though. Amanda Palmer is doing her darndest to be considered an honourary Australian. No thank you.
Bluejuice are breaking up at the end of the year. Well, I'm glad they never made it overseas to embarrass us like Jet did. I'd always assumed they were a Brisbane band because of the upbeat, cheery annoyingness, but it turns out they're from Sydney. We can make fun of Nickelback writing the same song over and over, but if it's a local it's cool? Argh!
Megan Washington: New song My Heart Is A Wheel is very Preatures-ish. Best one from this album so far.
Angus and Julia Stone: Their new album dropped to not much fanfare, probably because I don't listen to the radio anymore. One Guardian reviewer loves it. Another (also for the Guardian, but not the Australian part!) doesn't. A lot of random people giving it 7/10.
What do I think? It's a lot better than their separate solo material. The fuller production makes it sound less monotonous than Down The Way. I don't hear anything here that will be played to death like Big Jet Plane, but I don't know if that's good or bad.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014
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