Sarah Blasko's new song. It's okay. I'm of the unusual opinion that she peaked with What The Sea Wants. Hoping that she actually did something interesting with the orchestra.
Lisa Mitchell's new song. Reminds me of some J-Pop I used to listen to. The melody is the same as something; I just can't remember what. Thumbs down.
Clare Bowditch's new album. I thought she was a folk singer, but now that's apparently not fashionable so she's doing the ye olde Tumblrcore? I'm definitely getting a Lana Del Rey vibe from that cover. Will probably be nominated for an ARIA because she always is.
Pitchfork pans some old favourites. Well, not really, because a 7 is not a pan. I agree with the AnCo and The xx reviews, but I didn't like those two much to begin with. On the other hand, the DB & St Vincent score says that the album was only 0.3 better than Born To Die, which is pretty wrong.
Pitchfork lauds old favourite. It was better than the aforementioned albums, but not better than Veckatimest. I dunno. They're not really my thing.
The ACO's old brochures are a sight to behold. I wonder why old graphic design looks so bad now. Or did those always look terrible? (Richard's face is timeless though...) Looking at the new brochures sitting on the table, I have to say that Sydney Symphony wins this year. Or, even better, this, because Helvetica + good-looking director = yay.
X Factor AU sucks. I know, reality TV always sucks, but this isn't even enjoyable in the guilty pleasure way. At least the people on The Voice could hit the right notes.
Edited 24/09, after the jump!
Timomatic's new song sounds exactly like Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are" and anybody who doesn't notice is stupid.
ARIA Fine Arts/Artisan noms. The only ones I've heard are Sally Whitwell, Joseph Tawadros, and Triple J's Tribute To Nick Cave (ugh). Kind of shitty that they get awarded when the other nominations are announced though.
September Stuff

Monday, 17 September 2012
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