Not a review.
Almost everybody else there was an old white person. The attendant had to look long and hard at my ticket to make sure I wasn't some teen up to no good. Apart from the old people, there were some fathers and their young children, and maybe a few Asian families. Didn't see any hipsters. I think they're only into minimalism and Mahler.
I witnessed all of the typical audience happenings. Nobody clapped between movements, choosing instead to cough their approval. Of course, someone loudly unwrapped candy during a quiet part. Sigh. The small children fell asleep, waking only to watch the intermission videos about how each musician got their instrument. (By the way, they are a great idea and I don't know why I haven't seen it done before.)
Little old ladies gushed about how gorgeous the Schubert was. I preferred the Messiaen for its mad clarinet solo. But yeah, I enjoyed it all.
When I left the Opera House afterwards, I saw the cellist who played in the concert walking a few metres in front of me. A group of people went up to him, said something, and my mother thought that they wanted a photo with him. Instead, it turned out that they were tourists who wanted him to take a picture of them! Some old ladies nearby also noticed this scene, and they started chasing him once he broke free from the tourists. Rock star.
ACO - Trout Quintet and Quartet for the End of Time

Tuesday, 17 July 2012
my life
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