Should I audition for a choir?
This university is similar to my high school in several ways, the most important being: everybody is Asian, everybody does science, and the music department is kind of puny and nobody seems to care for it. There is an orchestra, but oddly enough there doesn't seem to be a choir. However, there is a music club that supposedly runs a vocal group.
Last semester, only eight people turned up for the audition (as far as I know) out of the eighty-something that signed up. My friend signed up, but couldn't make it to the audition. The club said they'd set another date, but she never heard back from them. I guess they gave up from lack of interest, because I didn't hear anything either. Friend wants to try auditioning again this semester. I'm not so sure.
It all reminded me of that debacle last year. (Long, personal story.) It almost single-handedly ruined my senior year. I don't want even the slightest possibility of putting up with that kind of thing again. Negative associations, you know?
But another part of me thinks I should try, because I might be able to replace the bad associations with better ones. After all, who the hell goes through life with a hatred of choral music? Christmas is already irritating enough for me.
Vox Unpopuli

Friday, 22 June 2012
my life,
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